Sunday, October 28, 2007

The bunny who lives under our house

This is our bunny that lives under our house. Isn't he cute. Well, I am actually not sure if it is a boy or girl bunny. But does it really matter. Not so much to me. I just love bunnies. He totally posed for the picture.

Well, that is all I have to share with you all at this moment. I will chat to you all later.

Have a great week!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Today we were awaken by my daughter, Megan, screaming, "It's snowing!". She was a bit excited. They have been playing outside all morning. Megan was the first one out there. I have put some pictures so you can see the snow fall. Also, some pictures from just two days ago. One picture is taken of our deck with snow. It has been nonstop since about 8ish. It is just so pretty. The kids build a snowman, the first one on our block. It seems so peaceful outside. Watching the snow fall is just so relaxing and calming for me. Well, don't have much else to say so please enjoy the pictures.
Love, Kim

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

God is so good!

Today was a great day! Mind you I was excepting a not so great day. We had our 6 month check up with Jacob's cardiologist. We saw a new doctor today as well. If you have been reading my blog you know that I was a bit anxious about the appointment and yet still at peace. Now, let me go back just a bit. Jacob has had 2 heart surgeries and we were told on his last one that we would have to have surgery again by about age 13. Well, Jacob is turning 13 in December. We were ready to hear that is was time for surgery. I was at a point that I was tired of waiting to see if it is time and was just ready to get it over with. Yet, at the same time I wasn't really ready. So, this is how the appointment went. They ran all the test, from EKG to Echo cardiogram and of course 3 different doctors listening to him. (Having students come and listen has been very popular theme with Jacob). After the tests were all done and the doctor came in to chat with us. Can I just tell you he blew us away. Jacob is doing great. He doesn't want to have surgery until he is about 15 or 16. Wow, didn't except that.

So, here are some details of what the doctor told us. These are things we have never heard before. This doctor is so calm, confident, nonchalant, and very easy to talk to. He informed us that Jacob's next surgery will probably be through a catheter. Ben & I mouths dropped open. Mind you his last 2 surgery were open heart, meaning cutting open his chest and chest bone. Okay, so Ben & I were like "What did you just say?" So, he explains that in the next year or so we will have a procedure that will do this. In England they are already doing this procedure. What is so great is not only will he not be opened up(which there are high risks in that), but that this limits his time in the hospital. He said he would probably only stay overnight. That is just amazing me. He also was so informative on everything having to do with Jacob's heart. I am still sitting here in just awe of it all. I just keep thinking "God is so good!" He continues to blow me away. I ask myself why are so surprised, God is capable of it all. It is just so wonderful to see Him at work right here and now with something that is so big to us. I was chatting to my mom earlier and talking about Jacob. She made the comment, "Isn't is so amazing that God keeps placing you all exactly where you need to be for Jacob." She says this because God placed us exactly in the right place for Jacob's surgeries. Let me share that story quickly. When I was 5 months pregnant with Jacob we(Ben & I) had a huge choice to make. Ben was in the military at that time and we had to move to a different base. Now mind you at 5 months the baby is developing all the major organs (yeah, his heart developing at this time). Okay, well we had about 15 minutes to choice whether be sent to Albuquerque, NM or not. So, we decided okay lets go for it. Well, that was the best place for Jacob to be for his surgery. Wow huh? God does know exactly what we need all the time. It is so nice to be reminded of this often. We doubt with so many things. We need to stop doubting and just look to Christ for EVERYTHING! I know I need Christ in every step I take.

Yes, GOD IS SOOOOOOO GOOD! Don't ever forget it!

Sunday, October 7, 2007


I sit here not really knowing what to blog about, but yet feel like I should. I have not been up to too much. Last week, I took care of Dalin for a couple of days while Nate & Heidi had their twins. All went well with that. They are all home and doing good. Dalin was really good for me. Although I have to tell you I am sure not used to a little one and all that is required. I had the diaper bag, car seat and stroller. We had fun together, but I realized I am way out of that stage. I love to be able to watch her and then give her back. I have so much freedom with my kids getting older. You start to get use to it. I feel blessed to be able to be there to help with Dalin and their dog, Andy. I am hoping to be able to help with twins too. Yeah, I would like that.

So, this last Friday and Saturday was Women of Faith and I have to say I wish I could have gone with my mom and friends. This is the first year I have missed since we started going(my mom & I). I will be going next year here in Denver though. I pray all of you that went had a wonderful time. I would be surprised to hear you not have a great time. I am so grateful to Gena for going with my mom. I hear they had a great time. It was hard on Friday when I realized I wasn't going to be there. Crazy how things will just hit you so hard. Even though it was hard I know God had a plan in it all. That is so comforting to know that He has a bigger plan that we don't always understand. I do hope you all were blessed at Women of Faith.

We have not been up to a whole lot here. Today we drove up to Red Rock and walked around. We are going to have to go back there for some hiking and some biking. We had a nice family day. We actually went to church on Saturday night, so we had all of today with just the four of us. I love our time together, especially when we are away from home. It is something about being out in God's beauty that just it so relaxing. We hiked a little bit and the kids were having fun racing Ben up the hill. I was tailing behind. Hiking was not in our plans it just happen and we were not wearing the right shoes for it. Oh well though we were on an adventure. I love our Kemper adventures. Not always sure what we are doing and just going with the flow. I think next weekend we are going to do some more hiking or maybe some biking at Red Rock. We will just wait to see what happens.

I would like to ask you all for your prayers. Jacob is due to go to the Cardiologist on Oct. 17th for a check up. We know we are getting closer each time for it to be surgery time. My prayer is that we will have peace no matter what happens. Jacob is getting bigger, so surgery can be at anytime. Also, pray for our time with the new doctor. It is always hard going to a new doctor. Having to tell everything again. This doctor does come recommended by Jacob's previous doctor. Nate & Heidi took Dalin to see this doctor as well. Anyway, I just get a little nervous each time we go in now. A part of me wishes it was time, just so we can move on past this. But then I think I am not ready. I know it will happen when God says it is time. I do trust Him with it all. Who knows maybe God will do a miracle and Jacob will never have to have surgery again. That would be truly amazing and awesome. So, please just pray for us as we wait for the appointment and for the appointment. Thank you.

I guess that is it for now. I had more to say then I thought I did. I pray you all are doing great. Miss you & love you bunches. Jesus loves you too!
