Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Our new member

I just had to post a blog about my new puppy. I am so excited about her. As you can see by the pictures she is adorable. We just got her today. She is just over eight weeks old. She was born on Jacob's birthday. He thought that was pretty cool. She is a Beagle. I love her so much. Her name is going to be Molly. I love her eyes too. Our whole family is pretty happy about it. I don't really have time to blog much, so there you go. I still miss all my family & friends. Hugs to you all!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Getting Settled

Well, it has been a very busy couple of weeks. We moved last weekend into our new home. We did a lot of painting at our new house. Then packing at the old house & cleaning it. Then unpacking at the new house. We are finally getting settled in. It is feeling more like home each day. We had like three nights without any blinds or anything on our windows. It is so nice to have our privacy back. I still have some touch up painting to do and then I can start putting up curtains and pictures. This week coming up should be pretty low key so I will be able to get that stuff done or at least a big part of it done.

The kids are doing good with the new house. Jacob started his new school last week. It went so good. The first day they have 2 kids show him around and where all of his classes are and those kids also have lunch with him the first day. It worked out so well, one of the kids is in all of Jacob's classes on Mon. & Wed. and the other kids is in all of his classes on Tues. & Thurs. How cool is that?! God is so good. He is getting along with those kids really well too. Then he met another kid and the second day got his number. This was so cool, because at his last school he didn't have any of his friends numbers. I am so happy for him. Jacob also has more male teachers at the new school. Which I think is a wonderful thing. He will also be playing on the 7th grade boy's basketball team. As for Megan, she actually went off track as we moved. She will start her new school on March 4th. She was able to meet her teacher before they tracked off though. That was really good for her. The other good thing for her is that when she tracks back on the choir will be beginning (it is only during the spring). And it is after school on Mondays. Which is really good because at her last school is was at 7:45 on Friday's and Megan never wanted to get up that early. She is excited to start her new school. That is a huge relief for Ben & I.

I will be signing Jacob up for baseball this week and Megan for softball. It is about to get really busy in our house. This is when I am thinking I will be very grateful to be a stay at home mom. I am excited about it all. I love to watch me kids play whatever sport they are doing. So, here we go into a new season.

I believe that is all that has been happening around here. Hopefully soon I can take some pictures of the house and post them. Give me a couple of weeks. I hope you all are doing well. I miss you all. Have a great week!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Hi everyone, just thought I would post real quick. Things have been really busy around here. We will be moving into our new home this weekend. Last week we signed all the papers and got our keys. Yeah! Then this last weekend we painted. It is looking so nice. I get to go over today and paint some more. Hopefully I will be all done by this weekend. I only have the master bath and touch up stuff to do. It is all moving along pretty good. Well, I don't have much time today so I will have to close this post now. I just thought I would say Hi. I will try to post some pics after we get moved in. I hope you all are doing great. Bye for now, and have a wonderful day!