Thursday, December 27, 2007

New Home

This is the house we are looking at purchasing. We are going on Saturday to start the process. We are real happy about it. I know it isn't a great picture, but I took it in the dark and couldn't really see what I was taking a picture of. Maybe after I know the house is ours I will post a better picture. This house is located in Castle Rock, which is about 20 minutes south from where we are now. It is in a real nice area. I would ask all that are reading this that you would pray for us. We want to make sure we are in God's will. It all feels right. The place we are buying the house from is willing to pay out the rest of our lease. That is a big deal for us. If all of this works out we will be in this house by the end of January. How cool is that? I will try to post to keep you all up to date. Just pray for us, knowing buying a house can be very stressful. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. We had a white Christmas. It snowed all day. It was beautiful. Our Christmas was really nice. Missed family and friends though.
Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

More pictures

Just thought I would post some more pictures of our snow here. There is a picture of our house with the snow falling. One of our backyard to show how much had fallen. Then there is Jacob shoveling snow. He does a pretty good job. Also, he is pretty willing to help. Hopefully that will continue. Megan helps sometimes too. This was all taken on Tuesday. Because of the snow the kids had a delay start at school. So, they started an hour later, but got out at the same time. After school, they went sledding behind our street. I only got a picture of Jacob because Megan wouldn't go again. Maybe next time I will get her. We are suppose to be getting more snow tomorrow (Friday). The kids have been out everyday playing in the snow and making ramps to go down. I am so happy to see them really enjoying it all. We are all hoping that we will have fresh snow on Christmas morning.

Speaking of Christmas I believe that I am all ready for it. I finally finished my shopping today. I just need to wrap one more gift and I am officially down. Even though I am ready in that way. I am sure missing my family. This is going to be a little tough for me but I know that I am right where God has me and wants me to be. I have had some tough days that makes it really hard for me to have joy. Then I have to remember that I have a choice to have a pity party or to look to my Rock for joy. I am choosing to look to Him and continue to pull strength from him. I am thankful for that.
I pray that each of you have a wonderfully blessed Christmas. Don't forget the real reason for it all. Jesus did it all for us! That is what I am most thankful for.

Merry Christmas! Love you all!!

Friday, December 7, 2007

After a day of skiing/snowboarding

Here is a lovely picture of Ben after a day on the slopes. We were all very tired. I had to post this nice picture of Ben with his crazy hair. This was a long day for us, but we had a wonderful time. Jacob was so tired and said he wouldn't be able to fall asleep in the car. Well, I have proof that he was tired enough. He played hard this day. Megan worked hard too. Her & I went down the slope together. It took her and I 2 hours to get down. Yeah, that is right it took us 2 hours. It was a long run. Well, not really 2 hours long, but Megan is new at it. God sure did give me quit a bit of patience that day. I am so thankful for that. Megan had a good attitude most of the time. There was one point when she told me to just go down the mountain without her. Yeah, like that was really going to happen. We laughed together and got frustrated together. At the end we sure did give each other a high five. I was and am so proud of her for not giving up. She was so awesome up there. God really blessed our time together. Jacob & Ben were able to spend some time together too. I think that was really good for them. I really believe that Jacob's love language is time. I love to see Jacob & Ben spend time together. It was great for Meg & I to spend our time together too. Those bonding times are just so awesome. Okay well now I am just babbling now.

Things are still great here. We are getting some snow here today. Tomorrow we get to go get our Christmas tree. I am looking forward to getting all our Christmas decorations up. I am almost done with my shopping too. Whew hew! Just a couple of more things and I am all done. I guess that is all I have for now. I will try to post more later. Not much else happening here.
Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas season! Miss you all!